Many things can be said about the modern state of Christianity, but there is one thing that is particularly divisive – the idea of the Christian “denomination.”
Denominations are just another part of the Christian vernacular anymore – and they’re all very different. But this division is not what God intended. Jesus prays in John 17:11:
Simpy put, we are to be one as Jesus is one with the Father. Our unity as Christians is fundamental to the world believing in Christ.
The attitude that has evolved in the past few decades is that we can all be “Christian” and have “Christian values,” but still believe what we want. This relativism is not only un-Christian in itself, but it also undermines our Christian testimony to the world – that the world may believe.
Jesus built a Church, not a divided religion with many “churches.” The fact that we are divided into tens of thousands of “denominations” is something that should stand out as gravely wrong...click [here] to read more.
Denominations are just another part of the Christian vernacular anymore – and they’re all very different. But this division is not what God intended. Jesus prays in John 17:11:
“That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
Simpy put, we are to be one as Jesus is one with the Father. Our unity as Christians is fundamental to the world believing in Christ.
The attitude that has evolved in the past few decades is that we can all be “Christian” and have “Christian values,” but still believe what we want. This relativism is not only un-Christian in itself, but it also undermines our Christian testimony to the world – that the world may believe.
Jesus built a Church, not a divided religion with many “churches.” The fact that we are divided into tens of thousands of “denominations” is something that should stand out as gravely wrong...click [here] to read more.